RODGER OBLEY, Content & Website


When was your first run with YRC? How did you hear about it?

I forget exactly, but it was one of the early ones with three or four people! How it’s grown since!

What does being a "local, lovable misfit runner" mean to you? 

It means being a part of a tight-knit community of runners in Pittsburgh who create and maintain a friendly environment where everyone is welcome.

Tell us about a memory/story of when you first started running.

I was NOT an athlete in high school. I brought a scooter to gym class on the day we had to run the mile. My first voluntary run SUCKED. It was awful. But I remember using one of the apps and tracking the progress I was making in distance and pace, and that was really cool.

What keeps you coming back to YRC?

The friends. Photographing YRC has also been a fun outlet for my personal creativity.