Elita Marchetti, Volunteer Coordinator


When was your first run with YRC? How did you hear about it?

I met Dan through mutual friends at a Pitt women's gymnastics match in winter of 2022. His friend and my friend were siblings, who had a sister competing that day and we all went to watch her. In talking, I mentioned I was running a marathon for the first time that spring, and Dan mentioned he had started a running club I should check out. Went to my first Run Crew at Two Frays on Feb 23, 2022 and the rest, as they say, is history.

What does being a "local, lovable misfit runner" mean to you? 

Being a local lovable misfit runner means showing up as your most genuine self and being accepted as you are that day. The misfit runner doesn't fit into any predefined boxes of what it means to be a "runner." They hop, skip, jump, walk and run to the beat of their own drum and have a damn good time doing it.

Tell us about a memorable YRC-related moment or aspect of your life.

I ran my first two ultramarathons in 2023 (37 miles and 50 miles). I wouldn't have even considered signing up for either of them had it not been for influence from friends I've made in the club. Running the Baker Ultra was extremely challenging, but it was so sweet to know that I had fellow YRC runner friends in the race AND crewing us at aid stations. Seeing their bright, smiling faces from station to station gave me the energy to keep moving.

What keeps you coming back to YRC?

YRC provided me with a sense of community at a very dim time in my life. I have always found friendliness and encouragement to "be yourself" at YRC. I truly feel like I can come as I am, good days and bad, and find a reason to smile and laugh even when I feel like I'm not up for it in the moment.